This category can include things like trips to the coffee shop, going to the movies, and dining out at restaurants with friends. Discretionary expenses: These are personal expenses where you have more control over what and how much to spend.For example, turning down the heater by a degree or two in the evening or using coupons for your purchases can help decrease these flexible costs. You can lower these expenses by changing your habits. Flexible expenses: These are the necessary expenses that can vary each month, such as your utilities and weekly grocery bill.You generally need to make big changes in your life to impact these expenses, such as trading in your flashy ride for something more economical or shopping around for a better insurance rate. Fixed expenses: These are the necessary expenses that remain the same each month, including your rent, car payment, and insurance.Consider separating your expenses into the following three categories: You might want to distinguish between different types of expenses, potentially highlighting each in a different color. No fee online tools, such as My Spending Report, can automatically track your spending to give an overview of your finances. To find patterns in your spending, try organizing your purchases in an expenses worksheet. While this includes your recurring living expenses, such as your rent or mortgage, car payment, and utilities, it also includes the more variable amounts you spend on haircuts, groceries, and clothes each month. Looking for charges you make regularly can help you determine your largest expenses. These documents, such as bills, mortgage statements, and account statements, can help you see exactly where your money is going. If you take the process step-by-step, it can be surprisingly easy to find out how you’re spending your money. If more cash seems to be going out than coming in, a great way to get control is to set aside some time to calculate your expenses.

Between your monthly bills, daily necessities, and the little things you buy along the way, it can be difficult to know where all your money goes.